Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Perfect Gin and Tonic

In my family, gin and tonic is the drink of choice. At the cottage, making a gin and tonic has become somewhat of an art. You have to have the right size glass, the right amount of ice, a perfectly sliced lemon, the right brand of tonic and of course, the right kind of gin.

If you have any of the ingredients wrong, it just doesn't work and you can't enjoy that drink until you've had 2 or 3 perfectly made drinks.

14 oz glass
lots of ice
a slice or two of lemon
1.5 oz Bombay Sapphire Gin
1 can (not bottle) Schweppes tonic water

  1. Fill glass with ice
  2. Pour in shot of gin
  3. Squeeze slice of lemon into glass, then put the slice into the glass
  4. Fill the glass with tonic water
  5. Stir with your finger
  6. Repeat


  1. Ah! My roommate makes them with limes and looked at me like I was an alien when I told her I had grown up using lemons. I feel validated now :)

  2. I find drinking one of them also tends to make me feel better..
